
Introduction to Events Blocks

Events blocks are the blocks that control events and the triggering of scripts. There are 8 Event blocks in Scratch 3.0.

Scratch 3.0 has the following six Event Hat Blocks:

  • — When the flag is clicked, the script activates.

  • — When the specified key is pressed, the script activates. The event will only be triggered again after the event is released.

  • — When the sprite is clicked, the script activates.

  • — When the backdrop switches to the one chosen, the script activates.

  • — When the first value is greater than the second value, the script activates.

  • — When the broadcast is received, the script activates.

Scratch 3.0 has the following two Event Stack blocks:

  • — Sends a broadcast throughout the Scratch program, activating When I Receive () blocks that are set to that broadcast.

  • — Like the Broadcast () block, but pauses the script until all scripts activated by the broadcast are completed.