
Introduction to Sound Blocks

Sound Blocks are one of the ten categories of Scratch blocks. They are color-coded pink/magenta, and are used to control sound functions.

There are currently 9 Sound blocks: 8 Stack blocks and 1 Reporter block.

Scratch 3.0 has the following eight Sound Stack blocks:

  • — Plays a sound without pausing the script.

  • — Plays a sound and pauses the script until it finishes.

  • — Stops all playing sounds.

  • — Changes the volume by the amount.

  • — Sets the volume to the amount.

  • — Change the pan left/right or pitch by the amount.

  • — Set the pan left/right or pitch to the amount.

  • — Clears any sound effects currently in place.

Scratch 3.0 has the following Sound Reporter block:

  • — The volume.